Thursday, December 29, 2011

Gratitude Turns What We Have Into Enough

Lately there has been one quote that has really kept me going. It's one of those quotes that really makes you think; really appreciate. 
"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of what they have."
This is something that has so much meaning and is able to convey it all in a matter of one sentence. I think that everybody needs to know and understand this quote. It's truly about how you deal with what you're given rather than having the best of everything. Often, not having everything that we want allows us to be much better people. Although, I do my fair share of wanting the latest, newest, most popular things on the market, I realize that what I have is more than enough. What I have will always suffice. One of the biggest problems in today's society is that very few people realize this. More often than not it's those that have less than what they need. I'm as guilty as the next person, most will never truly realize how blessed they are, whether it be that they have a roof over their heads, that they have water and food, or even that they have loved ones who care about them. What I truly think is that when we realize that gratitude is the key then so many things will become better in our eyes. We will then be able to appreciate the little things in life. What really needs to happen is for everybody to be reminded that gratitude truly does turn what we have into enough.