Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Grading Gripers

     You know what I absolutely hate? People who blame their grades on everybody but themselves.
Especially the whole "Oh, Mrs/ Mr. So and So just hates my guts, that's why I got the grade I did."
Very VERY rarely are teachers that completely biased. 99.9% of the time it's on you!
     I realize that there is always going to be those lovely teachers who decide that they're not going to teach the class or they put their personal beliefs among everything that they teach. It has always been told to me that teachers are meant to teach not preach and I fully agree. But when people refuse to accept that them going to parties, drinking, or watching TV rather than studying and looking over their material is the reason that they got the grades that they did it pisses me off.
    I know that some people learn and retain information better than others and i'm not talking about the people who put forth their honest to goodness best effort. I'm talking about those that think that the world revolves around them and that everybody should just fall all over them because yes they are in fact breathing. It does not fly with me.
Here's some advice if you're reading this and thinking "hey that sounds a little like me!":
2. Get off your butt and work if you want something.
3. Stop believing that you're better than everybody else. Thinking like that instantly puts you below everybody.
4. Studying = higher chance of passing.

Not everybody is going to let you slide by in life the sooner you realize that you need to be responsible for yourself and recognize that you aren't in fact perfect the better your life will be.

Sorry, for those of you still reading my little rant is over.

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