Saturday, August 4, 2012

Friends, Family, and Everything in Between

     Being in a long distance relationship I feel as if people don't really see it as a legitimate relationship. My boyfriend and I actually saw each other this Summer for an entire month. It had been 10 whole months since we had gotten to see each other so it was really great. I'm not saying i'm a fan of the long distance by any means but it sure as hell makes me appreciate him being with me when he's here. I look at other couples fighting about the stupidest of things and I just wonder why. I know that things are always different than they seem and in today's society everything is 'complicated' but in all reality I think that people just need to love the ones's they're with. I'm not trying to preach but if you have the ability to fall asleep next to the person you love more than anything else in the world every night and wake up next to them every morning, consider yourself pretty damn lucky. When it really truly comes down to it people fight over the dumb things, the small things, the things that don't matter. But i'm telling you, if you have the person that makes you smile when you're sad, kisses you when you're mad, accepts you as you are (quirks and all) and still loves you more than anything at the end of the day, you're one lucky person. I've always kind of felt like the people that mean the most to us are the ones that get the majority of the bad moods and asshole comments from us. The funny thing is 95% of the time it's not because we're mad at them, it's because they're the people that we know we can count on. The people that although the world is turning shittier day by day we can still turn to. The people that no matter how many rude, under-handed, completely uncalled for comments we make and fits we throw in their company, they will still be there for us. Willing and able to hug us when we feel like crap and to put us back on the right track when we've wandered. The ones that we expect to be running in the oppostite direction when we treat them as we do but instead are there to help us pick ourselves back up and help us fix things.At the end of the day, knowing you have that is one of the best feelings in the world. Almost like no matter what happens or what crazy things you encounter in life it's okay because you have someone who's got your back, someone who will be there for you when you enter crisis mode, and who will carry you through. When you find this person never take them for granted because people like these are far and few these days. So when you find them, hold them close and don't ever let go.

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