Monday, October 31, 2011

Long Distance Relationships Haters

      Alright, if you're one of those people who for some odd reason are completely against long distance relationships, then just exit this page because honestly i'm sick of all of the people like that.
     Let me just start off by saying that yes, I am in a long distance relationship at the moment, yes I have met him, and yes it is for real. I don't know why but until I was actually in a long distance relationship I didn't realize how many people actually take that route. I didn't realize how many people were so in love with their significant other, even though they had never met before. I didn't realize how tough it really is, how truly in love two people have to be in love in order to sacrifice that much for their other half. And I sure as hell didn't realize how many people were so ignorant toward people in these relationships.
    Is it your relationship? No. Although there are many other reasons why it's none of your business I feel as though that's the only one you need. Unless you guys have some odd, threesome partnership going on, hop off. I'm so sick and tired of people giving me crap for my decision regarding my relationship. If I wanted your opinion I would ask for it. You may think that there is no possible way for two people to be in love when they are hundreds or thousands of miles away from each other, well think again. If anything they are more in love. I honestly don't think that people like that realize how hard it is to be away from the one person that means more to you than anything really is.
 There's a saying that goes: 
"Distance is not for the fearful it's for the bold, for those willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little with the one they love. It's for those who know a good thing when they see it, even if they don't see it nearly enough."

     This is true is so many ways. I honestly can say that I love my boyfriends even though he is thousands of miles away. Instead of having sex (a lot of you are thinking no sex? alright then)  you have to connect a  different level. You truly have to know a person. Time differences make it so difficult for you to fit time into your schedule, it gets done though. You can't see that person, so you have to be completely honest with how you're feeling, in a long distance relationship there is no such thing as the silent treatment. You have to take the initiative to want to be with that person, it's a hell of a lot harder then when they are physically beside you. Not only do you have to give up all the going on dates, going dancing, kissing for hours on end, having them hold you when you've had a shitty day, just laying together in bed, those long silences where nothing is said, but at the same time you feel so close; you also have to put up with all the bullshit that people give you.
     If I have any advice for people in LDR's it would to not give up. Don't let other people's opinions get to you. All that matters in a LDR is if you are crazy about the other person, and if you can picture spending the rest of your life with them.
     If I could say anything to those people who are dishing the bullshit it would be to just stop. I can tell you that even though I can't see my boyfriend's face everyday, I love him more and more each day. Even though we aren't talking 24/7 we make the time we have count. Even though he won't get to visit for 8 more months i'm already planning it. Even though we are still young, i'm already planning the rest of our lives together. Yes, it's rough and yes we've had our disagreements but we always come back to the same thing; we are in love with each other, and that's something that no matter what you say, you have no ability to change.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rant Topic: People being downright rude.

     What gives anybody the right to believe that they are better than the next person? I don't care where you were born. Who you like, guys, girls, both. What you do for a living (unless you're like a killer or something, that'd be slightly awkward). Where you went/go to school. What your aspirations are. Your religion. What you do in your free time. How many "likes" your pictures get on Facebook. How many followers you have on Tumblr or Twitter. How many people you've dated. Your ethnicity.What your grades are. What kind of car you drive. What brand of clothing you wear. How much money you make. Where you live. What music you listen to. What sports team you like, or even if you like sports. You get the point?

     What I do care about is how you treat other people, no matter what they've done to you. How you talk to other people, different or not. How often you reach out to the ones who truly need it. Whether or not you choose to help those less fortunate. How accepting you are to the unknown.

     Pretty much the only thing I give a rats ass about is your choice of character. You may not be able to choose what you wear or what you look like, and you may think that people will view you differently because of it. I'm not going to lie, a lot of people might, but those people don't matter, the ones who truly matter are those who see you for how you act towards yourself (yes yourself) and how you act towards others. Focus on those people because anymore, they're one in a million
     Never forget we're all human, we aren't all the same, and yes that's perfectly alright. The sooner people get this through their heads the sooner people will all be more accepting.

Happiness, take it or leave it.

     Happiness. It's something everybody wants, but something very few people actually are. Why is this? Is it because we all believe know believe that we incapable of it? Well personally, I disagree. I think that everybody has their own situations, more times than not they are extremely different than one another, but I firmly believe if you have a positive outlook on everything you do, and everything that results in what you do, there is no reason to live life being unhappy.

     Yes I realize this isn't the easiest thing in most cases but just be happy, happy for anything you possibly can. Rain. Hot chocolate. The crunch of snow. Magazines. Freckles. How beautiful the moon is. Wearing a new pair of jeans. Singing loudly. Laughing with your friends. Movies. Blueberry pancakes. Iceskating. Music. Cute buttons.Slippers. The feeling of your bed after you've been away for awhile. Iced tea. Candles. Bubble baths. Really great books. Getting letters. The smell of the pool. Naps. Cookies. Bubble wrap. Stupid moments that result in really great things. Pictures. Handwritten notes. Shopping. Cute blankets. The rush of air you get when you walk into the store. Meeting new people. Candy. Everything.

     You don't even need anything material to make you happy. Although it's the little things that you can't control that have the ability to make you have the crappiest of days but it's also the little things that have the same ability to make something that could possibly be a crappy day into a day that you never want to end.

    Make yourself the promise to smile at least 5 times a day and to really try and see the positive in the worst of situations. It truly helps. Trust me.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

To Blog or Not to Blog


 [blawg, blog] noun
a Web site containing the writer's or group of writers' ownexperiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often havingimages and links to other Web sites.

That being said we'll see how this goes. I'm not one to keep things updated but I figure if it's on the internet it's easy to get to. The only reason i'm starting this blog is for me. It's going to be my place to vent, to talk about stupid things on my mind, and to just write. I figure, nobody has to read it but me, therefore I can say whatever I want.

Here goes everything.