Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rant Topic: People being downright rude.

     What gives anybody the right to believe that they are better than the next person? I don't care where you were born. Who you like, guys, girls, both. What you do for a living (unless you're like a killer or something, that'd be slightly awkward). Where you went/go to school. What your aspirations are. Your religion. What you do in your free time. How many "likes" your pictures get on Facebook. How many followers you have on Tumblr or Twitter. How many people you've dated. Your ethnicity.What your grades are. What kind of car you drive. What brand of clothing you wear. How much money you make. Where you live. What music you listen to. What sports team you like, or even if you like sports. You get the point?

     What I do care about is how you treat other people, no matter what they've done to you. How you talk to other people, different or not. How often you reach out to the ones who truly need it. Whether or not you choose to help those less fortunate. How accepting you are to the unknown.

     Pretty much the only thing I give a rats ass about is your choice of character. You may not be able to choose what you wear or what you look like, and you may think that people will view you differently because of it. I'm not going to lie, a lot of people might, but those people don't matter, the ones who truly matter are those who see you for how you act towards yourself (yes yourself) and how you act towards others. Focus on those people because anymore, they're one in a million
     Never forget we're all human, we aren't all the same, and yes that's perfectly alright. The sooner people get this through their heads the sooner people will all be more accepting.

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